Our many

pathways to

community service

Community Partners

NM Reentry Center

NM Reentry Center Our mission is to break the cycle of re-incarceration by offering training and support to individuals in New Mexico who are recovering from substance use disorders, mental health issues, and Pre/Post incarcerated individuals. Through initiatives focused on reducing recidivism, fostering self-empowerment, and providing support from lived experienced leaders, we aim to cultivate pride, resilience, and sustainability among our community members. 

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ABQ Faithworks

                                      A collaboration of Albuquerque faith congregations working in community to welcome the stranger and address short and long-term needs of asylum seekers and people experiencing homelessness. 

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Outreach Ministries

Outreach ministries at the Cathedral of St. John seek collaborative partnerships with those reaching out to others in a spirit of compassion, mutual respect, and the love of Christ Jesus.

Church Unbound

Ongoing, Sundays 1:30 pm

Corner of Central and Charleston Street.
Offering spiritual support for those living on the streets of Albuquerque. CHURCH UNBOUND is a collaborative effort involving clergy and lay persons from Episcopal Churches in the Albuquerque area, to offer refreshments and a church service to people living on the streets. Volunteers set up and take down tents and chairs, offer refreshments and visits. Involved are Cathedral Clergy and Mother Chloe Tishler, the Missioner to the Displaced in the Diocese of the Rio Grande.


Rio Grande

Borderland Ministries

 (RGBM) is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande serving in the borderlands of New Mexico and Far West Texas. RGBM has been engaging with long-term systemic needs on the border for decades by working collaboratively to provide humanitarian support to vulnerable people in our border communities. We help to ensure that our migrant neighbors are embraced in the service of justice, the interest of dignity, and the spirit of love. The compassionate response of RGBM is simple — to feed, shelter, and care for our neighbors on both sides of the border. The Cathedral is partnering with RGBM to help those who are seeking asylum in the United States.


LGBTQ Community

The Cathedral strives to be an open and affirming congregation. We are active in the community, walking with others in the Pride Parade. There is a unique Bible Study on Wednesday night for the LGBTQ+ community and allies called Reading the Rainbow. We are also one of the churches in rotation that host a monthly LGBTQ+ Eucharist.

Food Pantry Ministry

9:00-10:00 AM

Provides monthly food assistance to families living in neighborhoods surrounding the Cathedral and whose income is less than the government limit for food assistance. Food Pantry volunteers shop for and distribute food Tuesday mornings. Equal Opportunity Statement.


Backpack Ministry

School supplies and backpacks are provided to neighborhood children at the beginning of each school year through local outreach partners. In 2022, the Cathedral donated 75 backpacks to the Downtown School Collaborative and neighbors in need. We also donated over $1000 to the Albuquerque Public School supply closet.


Trunk or Treat Faith and Blue Event

Every October we invite downtown police, neighbor-hood businesses and nearby community schools to come to the Cathedral for trick or treats. This is part of a nationwide effort to bring diverse groups of our community together to build up relationships. Cathedral members host tables of treats, run games and offer face paint-ing for the kids.


Angel Tree

Every year we assist those families in our community who struggle with buying Christmas presents for their kids. Many of the children receive food from our Food Pantry. We ask that Cathedral members select names from the Angel Tree and buy presents from the wish list. Presents are distributed to the families in mid December.


St. John's Thrift Shop

St. John's Thrift Shop in Albuquerque NM

Visit Us!

1406 Central Avenue SW

Albuquerque, New Mexico


Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 


Sunday-Tuesday & Thursday – Closed

Phone: 505-205-7550 

Cash and credit cards accepted. Park in the small parking lot at 14th and Central.

The St. John’s Cathedral Thrift Shop began in 1959 in a small building in the parking lot of the Cathedral.  Our current building was purchased in 1990 with shop proceeds. We rely on individuals to donate items in excellent condition. Volunteers sort donations, arrange displays, and handle sales. 

All items not sold will be donated to other non-profit organizations. 

To Donate: Drop clean items in good condition at the Cathedral or the shop. We welcome household items, small kitchen appliances, towels, blankets, furniture, knick-knacks, and books. The clothing we don’t sell is donated to St. Vincent’s and medical equipment is taken to Back in Use, a group that donates equipment to people in need.

Follow us on Facebook to discover special deals! 

Contact Manager: Lori Van Note
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