Christian Formation

Education and fellowship, to fit your needs

Click on the options below to see a full list of classes and groups

Children and Youth Formation

Godly Play (3 yrs old through 3rd grade)

Sundays | 10:05 to 10:45 am | Ground floor classrooms
Godly Play is a time for children to hear a story from scripture, interact with the story, and wonder about their place in the world. Children are invited to wonder about the story and their faith.

Taking Flight (Ages 3rd grade and up)

Sundays | 10:05 to 10:45| Ground floor classrooms

A formation opportunity, curriculum designed to build community, explore faith, and learn about service to the Church and the world.

Cathedral Youth Group

(Ages 5th grade-Highschool)

Sundays   5:30pm-7:00pm with Dinner

Formation opportunities, that focus on leadership, bible study and fellowship.

Youth Confirmation Class (Grades 6-12)

Select Sundays from 4:30-5:30

Dinner at 5:30pm

Confirmation is an opportunity to learn more about the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement, ask questions, and explore a commitment to faith and the Episcopal church.

Christian Formation

We welcome adult participation as a teacher, assistant, or substitute!

Cathedral Forums

on Sunday Mornings

Sundays | 10:15 to 10:45 | Conference Room
Join in the discussion with Canon Robert to explore our faith through discussion and special presentations. Bring your coffee and come for a good time in community. If you can't make it in person, please join us on zoom.  Past forums can be viewed on the cathedral Facebook page.

Meeting ID: 931 7251 8011


Adult Formation during the week


Small Groups meet in person and via Zoom. Connect with others as we embrace our life with Christ.

Adult Confirmation Class

Select Tuesdays from 5:30-7:00pm

Join Dean Kristi and Canon Robert for adult confirmation classes to learn more about the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement, ask questions, and explore a commitment to faith and the Episcopal church.

Education for Ministry

is a 4-year continuing education program from the University of the South at Sewanee

This program helps lay members explore Hebrew and Christian scripture as well as church history and theology. They meet in a small group with mentors.  

Contact Joanne Gray

Click on the button to visit the website for the University of the South in Sewanee:

Education for Ministry
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