The Rev'd Canon Dr. Robert Lewis,
Canon Vicar
Our Core Values
-Adapted from the Vestry Retreat July 2022-
We aim to love, accept and support one another regardless of our differences: We shun none.
We are called to love and serve the Lord within our congregation and in the world.
We are informed by the threefold balance of the Episcopal Church, honoring Tradition, Scripture and Reason.
We desire to be a community that embraces change, to be transparent in our finances and other internal processes and to be open to all voices.
We recognize that we are made up of multiple communities within the larger congregation, but we are all one Body in Christ.
We desire to reach others, serving In God’s Name, through outreach, inspiring music, regular worship, fellowship and through sharing our resources.
Our Vestry Members
Senior Warden
Sara Nerbetski
Junior Warden
Class of 2024
Class of 2025
The Cathedral strives to be a place that welcomes everyone wherever they are on their walk with God. This community is focussed on connecting to the community, growing in our love of God and neighbor, offering excellence in worship and treating everyone with hospitality and dignity.
318 Silver Avenue SW
(corner of 3rd & Silver)
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1246 (87103)
Office Hours:
M-Th. 8:00AM-4:00PM
Fri. 9:00AM-NOON