Our Cathedral Clergy & Staff

The Very Rev'd
Kristina Maulden
Dean and Rector
The Rev'd Greg Bussey

The Rev'd Canon Dr. Robert Lewis, Canon Vicar

Our Cathedral Musicians

Canon Dr. Maxine Thévenot

Director of Cathedral Music & Organist
Edmund Connolly
Assistant Organist, Cherub Choir Director

Our Cathedral Sextons

Victor Gomez
Cathedral Sexton   

Lars Fabricius-Olsen

Assistant Sexton

Christopher Mills


Genoveva Rueda


Our Cathedral Nursery Staff

Sandy Martinez

Nursery Coordinator

Paulette Harris

Nursery Assistant

Our Cathedral Administrative Staff

Meme Greathouse

Financial Administrator


Samantha Williams-Gomez
Parish Administrator


Edwin Lewis
AV Technician

Sandy Martinez


Carissa Staples

Missioner for Children and Youth


Our Core Values 

-Adapted from the Vestry Retreat July 2022-

We aim to love, accept and support one another regardless of our differences: We shun none.

We are called to love and serve the Lord within our congregation and in the world.

We are informed by the threefold balance of the Episcopal Church, honoring Tradition, Scripture and Reason.

We desire to be a community that embraces change, to be transparent in our finances and other internal processes and to be open to all voices.


We recognize that we are made up of  multiple communities within the larger congregation, but we are all one Body in Christ.

We desire to reach others, serving In God’s Name, through outreach, inspiring music, regular worship, fellowship and through sharing our resources.

Our Vestry Members

Ruth Ellen Thomas

Senior Warden

Sara Nerbetski

Junior Warden

Reese Gateley


Class of 2024

Janelle Anyanonu

Sara Nerbetski

Randy Noah

Kirste Plunket

Class of 2025

Robert Schenck

Ruth Ellen Thomas

Zac McCormick

Drew Austin

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