Cathedral Music

Music at the Cathedral of St. John is diverse, creative, and widely recognized for its excellence. Special musical events include services of Choral Evensong, organ recitals, choir concerts, and guest performances. Our Cathedral Choirs are the foundation of the Cathedral’s music program. They offer sung reflections and prayers, providing a rich tapestry of sound woven through each worship service. Choral repertoire is drawn from early plainchant to the 21st century including works written especially for our choir.

Whether on a Sunday morning or on special holy days such as Christmas and Easter, all are welcome to hear these beautiful musical offerings. Experiencing music in our sacred space, with its unique acoustics and jewel-like stained glass windows, is a feast for the ears, eyes, and soul. We’re fortunate to have The Reuter Organ, one of the finest organs in the Southwest, to accompany congregational and choral singing and to feature in major works played by our Cathedral organists.

The Cathedral Choirs

The Cathedral Cherubs

The Cathedral Cherubs offers children from ages three to eight a grounding in music and singing with expert instruction. Cherubs participate in occasional services and concerts throughout the liturgical season. More experienced Cherubs may progress to the Cathedral Chorister program. The Cherubs are directed by Mr. Edmund Connolly assisted by Ms. Madelynn Jewell.



5:45-6:15 PM


8:30-9:00 AM

Cathedral Cherub 2024 - 2025 Schedule How to Join the Cathedral Cherubs & Choristers

The Cathedral Choristers

Children age eight to sixteen prepare and perform the finest choral music for children’s voices. Choristers receive expert instruction in music-reading, ensemble performance skills, and enjoy educational experiences through Friends of Cathedral Music events. Participation in an annual week-long summer choral residency programs is provided by the Royal School of Church Music and eligible choristers are sponsored by the Cathedral of St. John. The Choristers are directed by Dr. Maxine Thévenot assisted by Ms. Jordyn Tatum.  


5:00-5:30 PM chorister education
5:30-6:30 PM rehearsal
8:30-9:00 AM rehearsal

9:15-10:00 AM service

Cathedral Chorister Advent - Epiphany Year C Music List Cathedral Chorister 2024 - 2025 Rehearsal & Service Schedule Listen to our Cathedral Choristers

The Cathedral Choir & The Cathedral Schola

The purpose of music at The Cathedral of St. John is, quite simply, the musical rendering of the liturgy. This can include chanting plainsong, singing the Ordinary of the Mass, and singing anthems, motets, hymns, and psalms. The repertoire is wide-ranging, from the earliest known medieval music, through the Baroque/Classical/Romantic eras, to the most compelling and beautiful sacred music being written today. 

The Cathedral Choir is an auditioned ensemble largely comprised of dedicated and talented volunteer choir members who are supported by a small team of section leaders. During the program year, the Cathedral Choir sings at the 11:00 AM service on Sunday mornings, for monthly Choral Evensong services and all of the church's special feast day services as requested. 

The Cathedral Schola is an auditioned ensemble of 9-12 appointed singers whose role is to support the efforts of the Cathedral Choristers and congregation at the 9:15 AM service each Sunday during the program year. Their principal choral responsibility is to lead the congregation in the singing of services, to enrich that experience by offering the very finest sacred music in the form of service music and hymnody, and the occasional anthem either on their own or with the Cathedral Choristers. The Cathedral Schola also sing for the services of Choral Evensong, and all of the church's special feast day services as requested.

The program year typically runs from the beginning of September through to Trinity Sunday. The Cathedral Choirs participate in the outreach of our community, and by participate in the creation of new works written especially for them through our annual Cathedral Commissions. The Cathedral Choirs are well known for their internationally-released recordings with RavenCD. National and international pilgrimages through choral residencies form an important part of the Cathedral's mission and evangelism. 

7:00-9:00 PM rehearsal


8:30 - 9:00 AM rehearsal, 9:15 AM service (Cathedral Schola)
10:15 AM rehearsal, 
11:00 AM service (Cathedral Choir)

Cathedral Schola & Choir Advent - Epiphany Year C Music List Cathedral Schola 2024 - 2025 Rehearsal & Service Schedule Cathedral Choir 2024 - 2025 Rehearsal & Service Schedule Contact The Music Department Listen to the Cathedral Choirs Purchase Cathedral Choir Recordings

The Cathedral Organ

Refurbished and expanded in 2002, the Reuter op. 2210 with 102 stops, 65 ranks, and just under 4,000 pipes is the largest pipe organ in New Mexico. The organ is a powerful voice in the context of our liturgy, and organ concerts with visiting artists take place throughout the program year through our Friends of Cathedral Music Series. The stoplist for the organ can be viewed HERE.

Listen to the Cathedral Organ

Community Outreach

Visit the FRIENDS of CATHEDRAL MUSIC website Listen to the October 1, 2023 Anniversaries Concert

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