One hallmark of our worship is the English Cathedral tradition. At the heart of our liturgy is the Eucharist. We gather as God’s people for reconciliation and renewal. Because we value preaching, Sunday worship and some Choral Evensong services include a sermon. We also encourage congregants to actively participate in liturgical ministries.
Sunday Morning (September - May)
8:00 am Spoken Rite I Communion
9:15 am Rite II Communion with The Cathedral Choristers & Schola
11:00 am Rite II Communion with The Cathedral Choir
Sunday Morning (June - August)
8:00 am Spoken Rite I Communion
10:00 am Rite II Communion with Congregational-led music
12 Noon Bilingual Communion
12 Noon Communion
Monthly Requiem on the second Thursdays
12 Noon in the Chapel of the Beloved Disciple
Monday-Friday on St. John's Facebook page
8:30 am Online Morning Prayer
8:30 pm Compline
Acolyte Guild
Members enhance worship services by leading processions, helping to prepare the altar for Eucharist, and assisting with incense at special services. Acolytes serve each week as well as special services.
Roger Southward
Altar Guild
Prepares for Eucharist and cares for everything needed for its celebration as well as for other sacraments and offices.
Nancy Woodworth
Chalice Bearer Guild
(Lay Eucharistic Ministry)
Helps clergy distribute consecrated wine when communion is offered.
Roger Southward
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Takes Holy Communion from the altar on Sunday to a Cathedral member who is unable to attend worship.
Contact: The Very Rev'd Kristina Ann Maulden
The Lay Readers (Lectors)
Reads lessons from Hebrew and Christian scripture during Sunday worship as well as during special services. Young people are especially welcome to join this liturgical ministry.
Sandy Martinez
Usher Guild
Greets and guides parishioners and visitors to the Cathedral, its seating, and to receive communion.
Sandy Martinez
In addition to the regularly scheduled services, various ministries offer opportunities to pray and worship both corporately and individually.
Monthly on the 3rd Saturday
11:15 AM | Chapel of the Beloved Disciple
Pray the Rosary, discuss teachings, and have a short meeting. Celebrates Eucharist on special days for Our Lady. Society members commissioned stations painted by New Mexican artist Marie Romero Cash.
Monthly on the 3rd Saturday
9:00 AM | Conference Room
For women dedicated to the Rule of Life of
Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. Business meeting, devotions, and study. Retreats. Presented the Cathedral with an altar Book of Services to commemorate our 120th year as a chapter in 2016.
10:00-11:00 AM | 2nd Floor Conference room
Centering Prayer is drawn from ancient prayer practices within the Christian contemplative tradition. This quiet prayer opens our minds and hearts to God through silence and invites us to respond to the Spirit of Christ by consenting to God’s presence and action within us.
The Cathedral strives to be a place that welcomes everyone wherever they are on their walk with God. This community is focussed on connecting to the community, growing in our love of God and neighbor, offering excellence in worship and treating everyone with hospitality and dignity.
318 Silver Avenue SW
(corner of 3rd & Silver)
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1246 (87103)
Office Hours:
M-Th. 8:00AM-4:00PM
Fri. 9:00AM-NOON