The Cathedral Group Ministry, as part of Christian Formation at the Cathedral of St. John, provides a holy space for community building beyond Sunday worship.

Through deep listening, prayer, and generous exploration of our faith as Christians and Episcopalians, we strive to build relationships with one another and with Christ.

Current Small Groups

Cathedral small groups are bound by mutual accountability, love and a desire to grow in the Christian life. Each group has a slightly different direction, but all groups share common studies during Lent and Advent where each group becomes a close community. During the “Green seasons” of the year of Epiphany and Pentecost, we encourage newcomers to discover these groups and find the one that best suits them.

Book Studies with the Clergy

Thursdays, 2:00 pm

Join Dean Kristi in fellowship and study, exploring our faith and the world through book study and prayer.  Currently, the Dean's group is studying Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright. 

Join Canon Robert as we explore the process of conversion with his book study on The Three Conversions of the Christian Life: Turning to Christ, Turning to the Church, Turning to Mission. This group meets in person with a soup and bread dinner at 6pm during the Tuesdays in Lent.

Cathedral Groups

Mondays, 2:30 PM on ZOOM

Join Christine Belford and Christine Mitchell for a Zoom small group. Contact either leader for more information.

Mondays, 7 PM on ZOOM

This group meets to discuss the Lectionary readings for the following Sunday. 

Contact Julia Kinkel for more details.

Wednesdays, 2:30 PM in-person home group

Contact Julia Kinkel for details and developments.

Wednesdays, 6 PM in-person at the Cathedral. Contact Cindy Davis for more information.


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  • When I joined our small group 2 1/2 years ago I felt immediately accepted and welcomed.

    When I joined our small group 2 1/2 years ago I felt immediately accepted and welcomed.  I really did not know anyone as I attended the 9:15 service and the rest of the group attended the 11:00.  Over the years I found myself practicing discernment as far as my relationship with the Lord and with my fellow neighbors.  The way we study the lectionary helps me expand my understanding of Christianity in my mind and how I can apply that new understanding to my life.  Now I see different members of our small group between services and I feel that we are more than just acquaintances.  We keep each other in prayer and truly care about each other.

  • The small group provides a way to create micro-community within the larger community of the church.

    The small group provides a way to create micro-community within the larger community of the church. By prayerfully contemplating together scriptures and other readings, we draw from the experiences, strengths, and wisdom of each participant to develop our understanding and reinforce our commitment to our common faith. Our own group, established during the first days of the pandemic, has brought together members who came to St. John’s from various backgrounds and faith traditions and been enriched by this variety. We have formed deep bonds of empathy and love, and have supported each other through profound losses and personal crises, and celebrated together the joys of new life. Some members have been with the group since its inception, others have participated for only a season, but all have been mutually deepened in love and faith by the experience.

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